Articles on: Job Aids

Width Measurement on Femoral Condyles

To ensure accurate and consistent reporting of the Width (W) measurement of femoral condyles, follow these steps:

Lateral Condyles
Take the W measurement at an acute angle to where the lateral condyle groove intersects with intercondylar fossa (1.) The other component of this angle (your measurement) should be parallel to the coronal plane.
Take the W measurement at the cartilage-bone boundary, regardless of cartilage quality at the boundary.

Medial Condyles
The W measurement should be taken at a location posterior to the medial epicondyle (2.) and where the curvature of the medial condyle begins to straighten out (3.)
This measurement should be parallel to the coronal plane.
Take the W measurement at the cartilage-bone boundary, regardless of cartilage quality at the boundary.

W Measurement Locations and Landmarks

Lateral condyle groove or sulcus.
Medial epicondyle
Curvature of the medial condyle

Note: the locations of both W measurements are roughly in-line with one another on a whole condyle.
As a general rule, following these guidelines should land you about 2/3rds of the way back from the anterior of the graft.

Cartilage-Bone Boundary, Lateral Condyle

Cartilage-Bone Boundary, Medial Condyle

Updated on: 07/03/2023

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